Having therapy designed to support your maternal mental health whether in pregnancy, postpartum or anywhere in your parenting journey can result in:
· Descreased anxiety
· Increased confidence
· Greater clarity
· Stronger relationships
· Improved self-esteem
· Improved physical health
· Increased self-awareness
· Better coping skills
— Maya Angelou
I help mums and mums-to-be who come to therapy with a wide range of challenges including:
Birth Trauma
Loss of Identity
Post-natal Depression
Body image
mother/baby bond
Past trauma
There can be a lot of nerves around seeking therapy, especially for mums who feel as though they should be able to handle it all on their own. With no village to speak of these days, the isolation and loneliness experienced postpartum has increased. Therapy can provide connection, support, understanding, and a space for you to focus on your needs and give you the strength to keep going even on the hardest days.
©Mari Syrad Counselling
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