Welcome, I’m Mari Syrad, a therapist specialising in maternal mental health.

I help mums overcome anxiety and overwhelm in motherhood

Specialist perinatal Therapy for mums in Eastbourne & Online

Who Do I Help?

I work to support mums and mums-to-be to feel better about their experience of motherhood;

to reduce feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and loneliness and improve coping skills and make sense of the transition you're going through. This transition is called Matrescence, and mums are woefully unprepared by society for the incredible challenges that we are confronted with when we become mothers. If you want to start feeling good about yourself as a mum, then you’re in the right place.

How Do I Help?

I trained as an Integrative Humanistic Counsellor which means that I draw on a breadth of knowledge which puts you at the centre of the therapeutic work rather than diagnosing or giving you advice. I believe that you are the expert on yourself and that every human being has the capacity to grow and ability to heal. I will endeavour to ensure that you feel held and supported during our sessions, and that we are working at your pace whilst gently challenging you to keep investigating your feelings and experience.

Why Do I Help?

No one is immune from the pain and difficulties of life and I, like all of us, have had my fair share. I have always been a sensitive person, keen to listen and understand others better. Since becoming a mother, I have wanted to dedicate my therapy practice to helping other mums who are struggling to make sense of the new world they find themselves in and pass on the support that all mums need. We no longer have a village, but support is here so you don't have to face motherhood alone.

“There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.”

Jill Churchill

©Mari Syrad Counselling

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